Mystical Angle Oak Tree larger image

by Louis Dallara
Mystical Angle Oak Tree larger image
Louis Dallara
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
A new larger image for 60 x 40 prints of Louis Dallara's fine art photograph of Angel Oak on John's Island, South Carolina, One of the most beautiful and wise Oak Trees in the world.
Reportedly the oldest thing -- living or man-made -- east of the Rockies, Angel Oak is a live oak tree aged approximately 1,500 years.
Angel Oak is a live oak.
To receive your certificate of authenticity, please email the Louis Dallara Photography directly at... [email protected] with the date of purchase, and it will be mailed to you separately.
June 18th, 2020
Similar Subjects
Comments (23)

VIVA Anderson
Hi, Lou, and congrats for your sale, and, kudos for this magnificent Oak capture, Fav,.....VIVA
Louis Dallara replied:
Hi VIVA, thank you for the great comments from an amazing artist, Your comments made my day.

Bob Christopher
Hi Louis…I like your image. Wow, what a great tree and you have photographed it beautifully…Cheers Bob fv

Sheila Ping
outstanding image, so enjoying your gallery. Trees are one of my favorite subjects and this one is amazing

Gary F Richards
Spectacular tree composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the TREE LOGO contest!

Kay Brewer
I would love to see this. The old bucket list gets longer and longer. l/f
Louis Dallara replied:
I love this tree and I'm still in love with her after all these years. I hope you get to visit and can spend some time there.