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Monarch Butterfly Photograph by Louis Dallara

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Comments (15)

Marilyn DeBlock

Marilyn DeBlock

A lovely capture of a male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly!

Joney Jackson

Joney Jackson


Louis Dallara replied:

Thanks Joney

Nicole Reyes

Nicole Reyes


Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Congratulations on your sale!

Marilyn DeBlock

Marilyn DeBlock

A beautiful image/capture of a male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Louis!

Louis Dallara replied:

Thank You, Marilyn

Robert Nacke

Robert Nacke

Louis, this is a beautiful butterfly that you composed so well. L/F/P

Louis Dallara replied:

Thank You Robert !

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Louis, congrats on your special feature of the week. f/l

Louis Dallara replied:

Thank You Cindy! Cheers!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your Special Feature of the Week in the Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer Group! l/f

Louis Dallara replied:

Thank You Kay !

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Congratulations on your Feature of the Week in Visions of Spring-Glances of Summer!...L

Louis Dallara replied:

Thank you Donna! Cheers!

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art

Congratulations, Louis! Delighted to tell you that your stunning capture of a beautiful Monarch Butterfly has been selected as a Special Feature of the Week and is being featured on the home page of the Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer Group. Thank you for sharing your fine artwork with our Group. F/L

Louis Dallara replied:

Thank you Dora, for such a great group, really appreciate the effort. Thank Again

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas

Gorgeous photo!

Louis Dallara replied:

Thanks Stephen

Sarah Loft

Sarah Loft

Wonderful capture, Louis! The white flowers are a perfect backdrop for this gorgeous butterfly.

Louis Dallara replied:

Thank you Sarah

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Monarch Butterfly by Louis Dallara
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