Grid Lines
by Louis Dallara
Grid Lines
Louis Dallara
Photograph - Photography
My photograph of a The Rittenhouse Hotel located in Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA.
September 30th, 2011
Comments (24)
Luther Fine Art
ongratulations! Your camera art has been nominated as a Special Feature by a fellow artist Camera Art member for your superb art in Camera Art Group!! You are invited to post your art in the "SPECIAL FEATURE ARCHIVE DISCUSSION in the Camera Art group. Please share the love by nominating a fellow artist whose work is in Camera Art Group. You can do that in the specific "SPECIAL FEATURES NOMINATIONS ONLY- VOL 9” discussion in the Camera Art Group.
Diana Mary Sharpton
Wonderful perspective! Nominating for special feature on the camera art group... fav/t/p
VIVA Anderson
LOU ! How totally amazing:::::::::::::My parents used to live in that square, at the gorgeous apartments there!! I've loved that Square and have happiest memories of my so different life in my birthplace, Philadelphia...and I LOVE THIS Photo and all the memories, and THANK YOU ! otherwise, I'd never have seen that again!! :)) VIVA ........f.v. (Sydney,Australia now)
Louis Dallara replied:
VIVA; Thanks for the visit. It makes me happy that my photograph brought you some joy. I'm sure you have an amazing story. I wonder how you ended up in Sydney. Be well and take care. Lou